Ultimate Destinyland

This “intentional community” is part of the “Our Space Network” created by members of Ultimate Destiny University. Ultimate Destinyland, Inc. publishes, produces and distributes programs, products and services to help members and customers realize more of your potential, fulfill your life purpose and manifest more of your ultimate destiny.

The Ultimate Destiny Success System consists of over 1,200 pages of interactive quizzes, self-assessments, application exercises and featured resources in the 12 major areas of ultimate successful living.

The Ultimate Destiny Success System includes: Realizing Your Ultimate Potential; Fulfilling Your Life Purpose, Mission and Goals; Enjoying Loving Relationships; Achieving Ultimate Success in Business and Career; Attaining Financial Freedom and Prosperity; Enjoying Ultimate Health and Fitness; Attaining Spiritual Enlightenment; Harnessing Your Creative Mind Power; Raising Your Consciousness Level; Enjoying Peace and Balance in All Areas of Life; Making A Difference and Leaving A Legacy; and Fostering Personal and Planetary Sustainability.

While we have co-created several new programs and collected hundreds of featured resources on each of these topics, we recognize that the best, most efficient and effective way to continuously learn about, experience, evaluate and share valuable information on the best of the best available resources is to invite you to participate as a co-creator of this on-line community.

One way you can participate is to become a Charter Member of Ultimate Destiny University. The monthly and annual tuitions are only a fraction of the valuable membership benefits provided every month.

Another way you can participate is to visit the Ultimate Destiny Hall Of Fame Award web site that features individuals who are fulfilling their ultimate destiny and helping others manifest theirs. Please cast you vote for the nominees, nominate someone (maybe your self) or any company or non-profit organization or service club that helps members and their families and communities realize more of their potential.

You can also help us Expand the Circle of Success and provide our Empowerment Training Mentoring Systems to and through non-profit organizations who serve individuals who may have never been introduced to personal development.

We invite you to join us in the journey to Ultimate Destinyland! Welcome to your ultimate destiny and thank you!

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